translation service
translation service
Wouldn't it be nice to have a native speaker on hand everyday?
A native speaker can interpret nuances that aren't perceptible to even the most proficient non-native translator of any language.
Consider some of the following scenerios:
In the course of doing business do you find it necessary sometimes to correspond with speakers of Japanese?
Do you have an employee who spends alot of time translating Japanese messages only to find that 80% of the text isn't really pertinent to the matters at hand?
Do messages sometimes pile up waiting to be translated?
Do you have a native Japanese speaker on hand to help with translation?
Can you be confident of your company's ability to render English into Japanese?
Do you feel sometimes that something is being missed in the translations?
Does management think hiring a Japanese native speaker for assitance with translation is an expensive move to make?
Or are you of the opinion that translation services in general are too expensive?
Have you considered how much it is really costs to pay an employee to struggle with translations on a regular basis?
With eigouwa, you can opt to have only the necessary content translated
A native speaker can cheaply and quickly scan through your email messages & other correspondence to pick out the most important details only.
And with eigouwa, that's all that you pay for. A native speaker on hand everyday to scan your daily correspondence for only the content that is necessary to be translated. Only the part that is actually translated is used to calculate the fee--you don't pay for unnecessary translation.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a native speaker on hand everyday?
A native speaker can cheaply and quickly scan through your daily correspondence to pick out the most important details only.
That way you don't pay for unnecessary translation.